Grandma Calculator - free iPad app, no advertising, no in-app purchases, no tracking.

I recently bought an iPad for my mom - 69 years old. She used to use an Android tablet, so I put an Apple product in her hand… The transition went smoothly, she’s very happy with her iPad.

There is only one missing thing: the calculator. It is very important for her to be able to do her accounting. Well, it’s a strange thing for Apple, even in 2021, the iPad doesn’t have a calculator provided by default … It is present on the iPhone, Mac but not on iPad 🙃

So, let’s go to the App Store. And here, second surprise, the App Store is full of calculators for iPad! But there is a trick: these apps are full of ads, in-app purchases…

So I wrote for my mom a calculator without advertising, without in-app purchases, without tracking.

No need for complex functions either, my mom just needs the basic operators: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, percentages .

More information here:

Grandma Calculator